
Dominium Cigars was founded by Donaldo González, a renowned tobacco master and producer from Nicaragua, and international tenor and entrepreneur Iván Gancedo. Together, they have combined their expertise and passion for cigars to create the most fantastic and exclusive smoking experience. Our cigars are handcrafted using the finest and carefully selected tobaccos from Nicaragua. Each leaf is grown and harvested with love, passion and precision, resulting in a unique blend of flavors and aromas that are truly unparalleled.

Dominium tobacco fields in Jalapa, Nicaragua
Dominium tobacco fields in Jalapa, Nicaragua

Discover Dominium, the sublime brand of "puros" that is born from the fertile soils of Jalapa, Nicaragua, Central America. Inspired in the sun's magic and the natural abundance, these tobacco masterpieces honor the profound roots and traditions of the region. Every "puro" carefully elaborated encloses the essence of Jalapa, with leaves meticulously chosen that unveil the passion and dedication of the artisan masters.

Let yourself get wrapped in every puff by the exquisite flavor and captivating aromas that evoke the richness and vitality of this tobacco paradise!

Our Commitment

What we offer

Dominium Cigars offers a truly unique and luxurious experience for cigar aficionados. Founded by Donaldo González, a master tobacco producer from Nicaragua, and internationally renowned tenor and entrepreneur Iván Gancedo, Dominium Cigars combines the expertise of these two individuals to create the most fantastic and exclusive cigars. What sets Dominium Cigars apart from other cigar brands is their commitment to quality and craftsmanship.

Donaldo controling personally the quality of our tobacco
Donaldo controling personally the quality of our tobacco

Our work

Dominium Cigars are more than just a product, they are a work of art. Each one is handcrafted with care and precision, using only the finest tobacco leaves from Nicaragua.

  • Handcrafted Premium Cigars - Dominium Cigars offers a range of premium, hand-rolled cigars made from the finest tobacco leaves from Nicaragua.
  • Quality control, second to none. Only selected and perfectly built cigars go in our boxes. No surprises. The seek of perfection is our main objective. We produce what we enjoy smoking. Elegant, well balanced, perfectly cured and beautifully rolled cigars.
  • Donaldo together with our master blenders select the best fillers, binders and wrappers to produce unparalleled puros. Get ready to enjoy every single puff...from beginning to end.

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Donaldo and Iván at our fields
Donaldo and Iván at our fields

Our Pride